HERBAL healing

Herbal Consultation

60-minute phone or Zoom call 

We will discuss your health concerns (what hurts and why)  and intentions (how to create the shifts needed to heal). We’ll also take an in-depth look at what you eat, your lifestyle and any spiritual or healing practices you currently have.  From there we can develop a plan that will include herbal remedies as well as any dietary and lifestyle shifts that could serve you on your path to healing. 

The practice of herbalism serves the mind, body & soul, and my goal as an herbalist is to help you fully embody yourself and awaken the healer within.  During your herbal consultation, we will have an in-depth conversation about how you are living in your body - physically , mentally & emotionally.  

Herbal Follow-up

30-minute phone or Zoom call

These are monthly or bimonthly follow-up sessions to check in and assess how your herbal formulas are serving you. We will make any necessary adjustments needed to increase the effectiveness of your formula or to address new concerns. 

Available to returning herbal clients


*It is important to note that herbalists in this country are not licensed, and we are not doctors. We’re not here to make diagnoses or prescriptions, but rather to share our knowledge and experience. If you want to integrate herbalism into work you are doing with conventional doctors, I am happy to provide you with information you can take to your medical practitioners to assist in the decisions you make with them.